1、范文程,字宪斗,宋观文殿大学士高平公纯仁十七世孙也。其先世,明初自 江西谪沈阳,遂为沈阳人,居抚顺所。曾祖鏓,正德间进士,官至兵部尚书, 明史有传。 文程少好读书,颖敏沉毅,与其兄文寀并为沈阳县学生员。天命三年,太祖 既下抚顺,文寀、文程共谒太祖。太祖伟文程,与语,器之,知为鏓曾孙,顾 谓诸贝勒曰:“此名臣后也,善遇之!”上伐明,取辽阳,度三岔攻西平,下广 宁,文程皆在行间。
2、FanWenCheng, xian, song WenDian university GaoPingGong pure kernel concept the 17th sun also. Since its XianShi, Ming Jiangxi Zhe shenyang, hence to shenyang in fushun,. 鏓 great-grandparents, between zhengde, officer to BingBu jinshi holds, Ming has spread. WenCheng less good reading, YingMin ChenYi 寀 wen and his brother, and for students in shenyang county. Fate, TaiZu Already, 寀, WenCheng fushun of TaiZu staffs. TaiZu WeiWen cheng, and language, and 鏓 of zerah, known as Refers to the baylor yue: "this is good MingChen, after the!" Madame, take on the three liaoyang, degrees, tapping xiping bifurcation Rather, WenCheng are in rows.